  • Yogurt Blueberry 250ml

    Deliciously Refreshing, Powerhouse Goodness!
    Cool down and indulge with a taste of extraordinary! Dairiday Flavored Yogurts are the perfect way to quench your thirst and satisfy your taste buds.

    Flavors for Every Craving: Strawberry, Blueberry, Mango & Peach

    Packed with Power: Each yogurt drink is a source of calcium and vitamin D, supporting strong bones for a healthy you.
    Hydration Hero: High in electrolytes to help combat dehydration, making them perfect for active lifestyles or hot days.
    Snack Sensation: Enjoy them alongside oatmeal or on their own for a delightful and healthy snack.

  • Yogurt Mango 250ml

    Deliciously Refreshing, Powerhouse Goodness!
    Cool down and indulge with a taste of extraordinary! Dairiday Flavored Yogurts are the perfect way to quench your thirst and satisfy your taste buds.

    Flavors for Every Craving: Strawberry, Blueberry, Mango & Peach

    Packed with Power: Each yogurt drink is a source of calcium and vitamin D, supporting strong bones for a healthy you.
    Hydration Hero: High in electrolytes to help combat dehydration, making them perfect for active lifestyles or hot days.
    Snack Sensation: Enjoy them alongside oatmeal or on their own for a delightful and healthy snack.

  • Yogurt Peach 250ml

    Deliciously Refreshing, Powerhouse Goodness!
    Cool down and indulge with a taste of extraordinary! Dairiday Flavored Yogurts are the perfect way to quench your thirst and satisfy your taste buds.

    Flavors for Every Craving: Strawberry, Blueberry, Mango & Peach

    Packed with Power: Each yogurt drink is a source of calcium and vitamin D, supporting strong bones for a healthy you.
    Hydration Hero: High in electrolytes to help combat dehydration, making them perfect for active lifestyles or hot days.
    Snack Sensation: Enjoy them alongside oatmeal or on their own for a delightful and healthy snack.

  • Yogurt Strawberry 250ml

    Deliciously Refreshing, Powerhouse Goodness!
    Cool down and indulge with a taste of extraordinary! Dairiday Flavored Yogurts are the perfect way to quench your thirst and satisfy your taste buds.

    Flavors for Every Craving: Strawberry, Blueberry, Mango & Peach

    Packed with Power: Each yogurt drink is a source of calcium and vitamin D, supporting strong bones for a healthy you.
    Hydration Hero: High in electrolytes to help combat dehydration, making them perfect for active lifestyles or hot days.
    Snack Sensation: Enjoy them alongside oatmeal or on their own for a delightful and healthy snack.