Smoked Salmon Rolls
Smoked Salmon Rolls:
• 200g Smoked Salmon
• 1 Tbsp Sesame Seeds
• 150g @dairiday cream cheese
• 1 tablespoon lemon zest
• 1 large avocado
-Lay a piece of parchment paper on the counter.
– Sprinkle with sesame seeds.
– Place smoked salmon over the sesame seeds as shown
– Mix together cream cheese and lemon zest
– Mash the avocado, you can add chili flakes if you like
– Spread Cream Cheese mixture over the smoked salmon
– Add the mashed avocado
– Roll the salmon then refrigerate for 30 mins
– Slice, Serve and enjoy
Cherry Cake
A cake you should make !!😍😍
👉Follow the recipe :
-3/4 cup sugar
-1 lemon zest
-2 eggs
-1 box of cream cheese dairiday
-1/2 cup vegetable oil
-1/2 cup yogurt dairiday
-1 1/2 cups flour
-2 teaspoon baking powder
⚠️Bake at 180C for 40 minutes.
Chicken Fajita Sub
Chicken Fajitas sandwiches 🔪🔥🥪 with @dairiday cheese
Recipe :
1/2 kg chicken breast
2 cups of colorful 🫑 sliced
1 🧅 sliced
1 garlic minced 🧄
1/2 tsp black pepper
1 tsp paprica
1/4 tsp chili powder
1/2 tsp white pepper
1/2 tsp garlic and onion powder
1/4 ginger
Soya sauce to taste
And salt to taste
Add cheese from @dairiday
Serve with fresh avocado sauce #fajitas
Labneh Eggs on Toast
🌸🤍High Protein Breakfast
⛔️Calories and recipe are below ⬇️⬇️⬇️
If your still having a labneh sandwich on a diet as a meal and you find yourself binging at the end of the day. Don’t blame anyone but that sandwich.
You need a more nutrient dense filling meal to keep you full for longer periods of time.
Try adding some boiled eggs to your labne
Try using a higher quality bread like sour-dough
Add some more volume
Most significantly do not forget the flavor, food does not have to be plain and boring. I added some spices to give my labne extra spice.
Diet makeover by yours truly ❤️🌸
Total Calories = 315 cals, 20g Protein
🌻50g Sour-Dough (110-120 cals)
🌻2 Medium Boiled Eggs (125 cals) the eggs i use are small and not large so i consider them 65 cals
🌻50g Labneh Full Fat (70 cals)
labneh harra mix:
Minced garlic clove, spices, harissa or sweet pepper paste
Upside Down Cheesecake
تشيز كيك بالمقلوب😮💨🔪🧡🔥 الوصفة ⬇️
For the crust :
3 cups (240g) biscuit crumbs
1/2 cup sugar
3/4 cup unsalted butter, melted
Put half of the crust in a mold and bake it for 15 min
For the cream cheese filling :
2 pack of cream cheese from @dairiday 360gram
500 ml of whipping cream
1/4 cup of powdered sugar
1 tbsp of vanilla extract
Add the filling on the crust the add the jam in the middle cover with the remaining crumbs
Put it in the fridge overnight
For the exotic jam
1/2 cup of passion fruit
1 cup mango cubes
1 peach
1/2 cup of sugar
Cook until you have a perfect jam texture
Mango Trifle
Mango Trifle 🔥🔪🥭 الوصفة⬇️
1 mango cut in cubes
Cake pieces
Mango juice 2 cups
Whipped cream 3 cups
Cream cheese 1/2 cup @dairiday
Melted White chocolate 1/2 cup
For the cream :
Add whipped cream + melted white chocolate + cream cheese
Start layering with cream cake juice mango and repeat
Garnish with Coconut flakes
Halloumi Sunshine
Halloumi Sunshine Incoming 🌻
65g Halloumi Cooked
2 Teaspoons Red Pesto
30g Avocado
50g Ciabatta Bread
342 Cals – 20g P – 27g C – 25g F
Garlic Labneh & Chili Labneh
😍🔪🔥وصفة خبز عربي مع اللبنة المتومة و اللبنة الحرة ✅⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️الوصفة
@dairiday لبنة
لبنة بالتوم كوب لبنة مع حص ثوم و نعناع يخفق جيداً و يقدم مع الزيت
لبنة بالحر كوب لبنة مع ربع كوب رب الفليفلة الحارة
2¼ كوب دقيق
¾ ملعقة صغيرة ملح
1 ½ ملعقة كبيرة الحليب المجفف
1 ½ ملعقة كبيرة زيت نباتي
180 مل ماء دافئ
1¼ ملعقة كبيرة. سكر
½1 ملعقة صغيرة خميرة
نخلط الماء الدافئ مع السكر والخميرة
نتركها جانباً لمدة 10 دقائق حتى تنضج وتتخمر
في وعاء منفصل، اخلطي الدقيق والملح والحليب البودرة حتى يندمجوا
في العجانة او يدوياً ضعي خليط الدقيق، خليط الخميرة و نخلطها جيداً
نغطي العجينة ونتركها تخمر لمدة ساعة أو حتى يتضاعف حجمها
نقسم العجينة إلى 8 قطع ونشكلها
الى كرات . غطيها واتركيها ترتفع لمدة 30 دقيقة
عندما يتضاعف حجمها، قم بفردها على شكل دوائر رفيعة على سطح عمل مرشوش بالدقيق، ثم قم بتغطيتها واتركها
ترتاح لمدة 10 دقائق
اخبزيها بمقلات حامٍ